
(those with significant news coverage denoted with )

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Mammalian Paleoecology: using the past to study the present. Smith, F.A. 2021. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Read Blurb

Foundations of Macroecology: classic papers with commentaries (Smith, F.A., J.L. Gittleman, and J.H. Brown, editors). 2014. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Read Blurb

Animal Body Size: linking pattern and process across space, time and taxonomy (Smith, F.A. and S.K. Lyons, editors). 2013. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Read Blurb

In review & in press

Harding, L.E., F.A. Smith, I.W. Murray, H.M. Lease, and J.T. Martin. Heat, sex and death: the curious tale of a desert mammal. Pages xx-xx in Natural History of Death Valley and the Mojave Desert (Steve Rowland, editor), University of California Press, Berkeley, in press.


Schmitz, O.J., M. Sylvén, T.B. Atwood, E.S. Bakker, F. Berzaghi, J.F. Brodie, J.P.G.M. Cromsigt, A.B. Davies, S.J. Leroux, F.J. Schepers, F.A. Smith, S. Stark, J.C. Svenning, A. Tilker, and H. Ylänne. 2023. Trophic rewinding can expand natural climate solutions. Nature Climate Change

Smith, F.A., E.A. Elliott Smith, C.P. Hedberg, S.K. Lyons, M.I. Pardi, and C.P Tomé. 2023. After the mammoths: the ecological legacy of late Pleistocene megafauna extinctions. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction 1, e9.

Lessa, E.P., and F.A. Smith. 2023. The current and future role of ASM in engaging with the Nagoya Protocol. Journal of Mammalogy, in press.

Smith, F.A. 2023. Integrating time into modern ecology: a temporal perspective on the relationship between temperature and animal body size. In Scaling in Biology (C. Kempes, M. O’Connor, and B.J Enquist, editors), Santa Fe Institute Press, Santa Fe.


Smith, F.A., E.A. Elliott Smith, A. Villaseñor, C.P. Tomé, S.K. Lyons and S.D. Newsome. 2022. Late Pleistocene megafauna extinction leads to missing pieces of ecological space in a North American mammal community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 119:e2115015119

Harrison, J.F., A. Biewener, J.R. Bernhardt, J.R. Burger, J.H. Brown, Z.N. Coto, M.E. Duell, M. Lynch, E.R. Moffett, T. Norin, A.K. Pettersen, F.A. Smith, U. Somjee, J.F.A. Traniello, and T.M. Williams. 2022. An Integrated Perspective on the Causes of Hypometric Metabolic Scaling in Animals. Integrative and Comparative Biology 62:1395-1418 (DOI: 10.1093/icb/icac136).

Hedberg, C.P., S.K. Lyons., and F.A. Smith. 2022. The hidden legacy of megafaunal extinction: Loss of functional diversity and resilience over the Late Quaternary at Hall’s Cave. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31:294– 307 PDF

Schmitz, O.J., M. Sylven, T.B. Atwood, E.S. Bakker, F. Berzaghi, J.F. Brodie, J.P.G.M. Cromsigt, A.B. Davies, S.J. Leroux, F.J. Schepers, F.A. Smith, S. Stark, J-C. Svenning, A. Tilker, and H. Ylänne. 2022. Animating the carbon cycle through trophic rewilding could provide highly effective natural climate solutions. EcoEvoRxiv. PDF

Smith, F.A. 2022. The road to a larger brain. Science 376:27-28 PDF

Schroeder, K., S.K. Lyons, and F.A. Smith. 2021. On the use of appropriate taxonomic data and the applicability of size bias in the fossil record: reply to Benson et al. Science 375 (6578): eabj7383.

Tomé, C.P., S.K. Lyons, S.D. Newsome and F.A. Smith. 2022. The sensitivity of Neotoma to climate change and biodiversity loss over the late Quaternary. Quaternary Research 105:49-63 PDF


Smith, F.A. 2021. Mammalian paleoecology: using the past to study the present. Johns Hopkins University Press.

†Schroeder, K., S.K. Lyons, and F.A. Smith. 2021. The influence of juvenile dinosaurs on community structure and diversity. Science 371:941-944. PDF

Tomé, C.P., S.K. Lyons, S.D. Newsome, and F.A. Smith. 2021. The sensitivity of Neotoma to climate change and biodiversity loss over the late Quaternary. Quaternary Research 1-15 (First view 18 June 2021; DOI:10.1017/ qua.2021.29.) PDF

Tomé, C.P., W. Whiteman-Jennings, and F.A. Smith. 2021. The relationship between molar morphology and ecology within Neotoma. Journal of Mammalogy 101:1711-1726 (early release version December 2020; DOI:10.1093/jmammal/gyaa107). PDF

Lawing, A.M., M. McCoy, B.A. Reinke, S.K. Sarkar, F.A. Smith and D. Wright. 2021. A framework for investigating rules of life by establishing zones of influence. Integrative and Comparative Biology icab169, DOI:org/10.1093/icb/icab169.


Tomé, C.P., E.A. Elliott Smith, S.K. Lyons, S.D. Newsome, and F.A. Smith. 2020. Changes in the diet and body size of a small herbivorous mammal (hispid cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus) to the Late Pleistocene megafauna extinction. Ecography 43:604-619. (early release version December 2019; DOI:10.1111/ecog.04596) PDF

Westover, M.L. and F.A. Smith. 2020. Investigating the role of environment in pika (Ochotona) body size patterns across taxonomic levels, space and time. Journal of Mammalogy 101:804-816. PDF

Newsome, T.M., C. Wolf, D.G. Nimmo, R.K. Kopf, E.G. Ritchie, F.A. Smith, and W. Ripple. 2020. Constraints on vertebrate range size predict extinction risk. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29:76-86.

Westover, M.L., K.A. Lizewski, K.B. Klingler, and F.A. Smith. 2020. Isotopic niche of the American pika (Ochotona princeps) through space and time. Canadian Journal of Zoology 98:5151-526. PDF


†Grady, J.M., B.S. Maitner, A.S. Winter, K. Kaschner, D.P. Tittensor, S. Record, F.A. Smith, A.M. Wilson, A.I. Dell, P.L. Zarnetske, H.J. Wearing, B. Alfaro, and J.H. Brown. 2019. Metabolic asymmetry and the global diversity of marine predators. Science 363:eaat4220 ( 10.1126/science.aat4220). PDF

Balk, M.A., J.L. Betancourt and F.A. Smith. 2019. Investigating (a)symmetry in a small mammal's response to warming and cooling events across western North America over the late Quaternary. Quaternary Research 91:1-8PDF

Lyons, S.K., F.A. Smith, and S.K.M. Ernest. 2019. Macroecological patterns of mammals across taxonomic, spatial and temporal scales. Journal of Mammalogy 100:1087-1104.

Smith, F.A., R.E. Elliott Smith, S.K. Lyons, J.L. Payne and A. Villaseñor. 2019. The accelerating influence of humans on mammalian macroecological patterns over the late Quaternary. Quaternary Science Reviews 211:1-16. PDF


†Smith, F.A., R.E. Elliott Smith, S.K. Lyons and J.L. Payne. 2018. Body size downgrading over the late Quaternary. Science 360:310-313. PDF

Riemer, K., K. Anderson-Teixeira, F.A. Smith, D.J. Harris, and S.K.M. Ernest. 2018. Body size shifts influence effects of increasing temperatures on ectotherm metabolism. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27:958-967 (early release DOI:

Cromsigt, J.P.G.M., M. te Beest, G.I.H. Kerley, L. Landmqn, E. Le Roux, and F.A. Smith. 2018. Trophic rewilding as a climate change mitigation strategy. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B373: 20170440 ( PDF


Beever, E.A, L.E. Hall, J. Varner, A.E. Loosen, J.B. Dunham, M.K. Gahl, F.A. Smith, and J.J. Lawler. 2017. Behaviorial flexibility as a mechanism for coping with climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15:299-308 (DOI: 10.1002/fee.1502. Published July 2017).

Heim, N.A., J.L. Payne, S. Finnegan, M.L. Knope, M. Kowalewski, S.K. Lyons, D.W. McShea, P.M. Novack-Gottshall, F.A. Smith, and S.C. Wang. Hierarchical complexity and the size limits of life. 2017. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284 (1857):20171039. (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.1039. Published 21 June 2017).


†Malhi, Y., C.E.  Doughty, M. Galetti, F.A. Smith, J-C. Svenning, and J.W. Terborgh. 2016. Megafauna and ecosystem function: from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 113(4):838-846. (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1502540113). PDF

Pardi, M.I. and F.A. Smith. 2016. Biotic responses of canids to the terminal Pleistocene megafauna extinction. Ecography 39:141-151. (DOI: 10.1111/ecog.01596. Advance online publication September 2015). PDF

†Smith, F.A., J.I. Hammond, M.A. Balk, S.M. Elliott, S.K. Lyons, M.I. Pardi, C.P. Tomé, P.J. Wagner, and M.L. Westover. 2016. Exploring the influence of ancient and historic megaherbivore extirpations on the global methane budget. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 113(4):874-879. (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1502547112. Advance online publication September 2015). PDF

Smith, F.A., C.P. Tomé, E.A. Elliott Smith, S.K. Lyons, S.D. Newsome, and T.W. Stafford. 2016. Unraveling the consequences of the terminal Pleistocene megafauna extinction on mammal community assembly. Ecography 39:223-239. (DOI: 10.1111/ecog.01779. Advance online publication September 2015). PDF

†Smith, F.A., C.E. Doughty, Y. Malhi, Y., J-C. Svenning, and J. Terborgh. 2016. Megafauna in the Earth System. Ecography 39:99-108. (DOI: 10.1111/ecog.02156. Advance online publication September 2015).

Smith, F.A., J.L. Payne, M. Balk, S. Finnegan, N.A. Heim, M. Kowalewski, S.K. Lyons, C.R. McClain, D.W. McShea, P.M. Novack-Gottshall, P.A. Spaeth Anich, and S.C. Wang. 2016. Body size evolution across the Geozoic. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 44:523-553. (DOI: 10.1146/annurev-earth-060115-012147). PDF

†Plotnick, R., F.A. Smith, and S.K. Lyons. 2016. The fossil record of the sixth extinction. Ecology Letters 19(5):546-553 (DOI:10.1111/ecog.02156. Advance online publication March 2016). PDF

Lyons, S.K., J.H. Miller, D. Fraser, F.A. Smith, A. Boyer, E. Lindsey, and A.M. Mychajliw. 2016. The changing role of mammal life histories in late Quaternary extinction vulnerability on continents and islands. Biology Letters 12(6):20160342 (DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0342. Published 21 June 2016).


†Grady, J.M., B.J. Enquist, E. Dettweiler-Robinson, N.A. Wright, and F.A. Smith. 2015. Response to Comments on “Evidence for Mesothermy in Dinosaurs”. Science 348(6238):982-984. (DOI: 10.1126/science.1260299).

†Smith, F.A., S.K. Lyons, P. Wagner, and S.M. Elliott. 2015. The importance of considering animal body mass in IPCC greenhouse inventories and the underappreciated role of wild herbivores. Global Change Biology 21(10):3880-3888. (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12973)


†Grady, J.M., B.J. Enquist, E. Dettweiler-Robinson, N.A. Wright, and F.A. Smith. 2014. Evidence for mesothermy in dinosaurs. Science 344(6189):1268-1272. (DOI: 10.1126/science.1253143). PDF

Smith, F.A., I.W. Murray, L.E. Harding, H.M. Lease, and J. Martin. 2014. Life in an extreme environment: a historical perspective on the influence of temperature on the ecology and evolution of woodrats. Journal of Mammalogy 95(6):1128–1143. PDF

Smith, F.A., J.L. Gittleman and J.H. Brown. 2014. The macro of macroecology. Pages 1-4 in Foundations of Macroecology (F.A. Smith, J.L. Gittleman and J.H. Brown, editors), University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Evans, A., D.P. Costa, K. Niklas, R.M. Sibly, and F.A. Smith. 2014. Dimensions of macroecology: allometry and body size. Pages 150-153 in Foundations of Macroecology (F.A. Smith, J.L. Gittleman and J.H. Brown, editors), University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Smith, F.A. 2014. Commentary on Brown and Nicoletto. Pages 245-246 in Foundations of Macroecology (F.A. Smith, J.L. Gittleman and J.H. Brown, editors), University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Saarinen, J. J., A.G. Boyer, J.H. Brown, D.P. Costa, S.K.M. Ernest, A.R. Evans, M. Fortelius, J.L. Gittleman, M.J. Hamilton, L.E. Harding, K. Lintulaakso, S.K. Lyons, J.G. Okie, R.M. Sibly, P.R. Stephens, J. Theodor, M.D. Uhen, and F.A. Smith. 2014. Patterns of maximum body size evolution in Cenozoic land mammals: eco-evolutionary processes and abiotic forcing. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281 (1784): 20132049. (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.2049). PDF


Smith, F.A. and S.K. Lyons. 2013. On being the right size: the importance of size in life history, ecology and evolution. Pages 1-10 in Body size: linking pattern and process across space, time and taxonomy (Smith, F.A. and S.K. Lyons, editors), University of Chicago Press, Chicago. PDF

Lyons, S.K. and F.A. Smith. 2013. Macroecological patterns of body size in mammals across time and space. Pages 114-142 in Body size: linking pattern and process across space, time and taxonomy (Smith, F.A. and S.K. Lyons, editors), University of Chicago Press, Chicago. PDF

Smith, F.A., S.K. Lyons, K. Jones, and B.A. Maurer. 2013. The influence of flight on patterns of body size diversity and heritability. Pages 185-203 in Body size: linking pattern and process across space, time and taxonomy (Smith, F.A. and S.K. Lyons, editors), University of Chicago Press, Chicago. PDF

Smith, F.A. and S.K. Lyons. 2013. The way forward. Pages 233-244 in Body size: linking pattern and process across space, time and taxonomy (Smith, F.A. and S.K. Lyons, editors), University of Chicago Press, Chicago. PDF

†Zuo, W., F.A. Smith, and E.L. Charnov. 2013. A life history approach to the late Pleistocene megafaunal extinction. American Naturalist 182(4):524-531. PDF

Okie, J.G., R.M. Sibly, A.G. Boyer, J.H. Brown, D.P. Costa, S.K.M. Ernest, A.R. Evans, J.L. Gittleman, M.J. Hamilton, L.E. Harding, K. Lintulaakso, S.K. Lyons, J.J. Saarinen, F.A. Smith, P.R. Stephens, J. Theodor, and M. D. Uhen. 2013. Effects of allometry, productivity, and lifestyle on rates and limits of body size evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280(1764):20131007. (DOI:10.1098/rspb.2013.1007). PDF


Smith, F.A. 2012. Some like it hot. Science 335(6071):924-925. PDF

†Evans, A.R., D. Jones, A.G. Boyer, J.H. Brown, D.P. Costa, S.K.M. Ernest, E.M.G. Fitzgerald, M. Fortelius, J.L. Gittleman, M.J. Hamilton, L.E. Harding, K. Lintulaakso, S.K. Lyons, J.G. Okie, J.J. Saarinen, R.M. Sibly, F.A. Smith, P.R. Stephens, J. Theodor, and M. D. Uhen. 2012. The maximum rate of mammal evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 109(11):4187-4190. PDF

Pardi, M.I. and F.A. Smith. 2012. Paleoecology in an era of climate change: how the past can provide insights into the future. Pages 93-116 in Palaeontology in Ecology and Conservation (Julien Louys, editor), Springer-Verlag, New York. PDF

Smith, F.A. 2012. The pace of mammalian evolution: ecological and morphological responses of mammals to climate change at annual to millennial time scales. Quaternary International 279: 455.

Smith, F.A. and A. Boyer. 2012. Losing time? Incorporating a deeper temporal perspective into modern ecology. Frontiers in Biogeography 4(1):25-38. PDF

Anderson-Teixeira, K.J., F.A. Smith, and S.K.M. Ernest. Climate Change. 2012. Pages 280-292 in J.H. Brown, A. Kodric Brown and R.M. Sibly, editors. Metabolic ecology: a scaling approach, Wiley- Blackwell, Oxford. (DOI: 10.1002/9781119968535.ch23). PDF

Murray, I.W. and F.A. Smith. 2012. Estimating the influence of the thermal environment on activity patterns of the desert woodrat (Neotoma lepida) using temperature chronologies. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90(9):1171-1180. PDF

Payne, J.L., F.A. Smith, M. Kowalewski, R.A. Krause, Jr., A.G. Boyer, C.R. McClain, S. Finnegan, and P.M. Novack-Gottshall. 2012. A lack of attribution: the need to reform citation and indexing practices in the sciences. Taxon 61(6):1349–1354. PDF


Smith, F.A., S.M. Elliott, and S.K. Lyons. 2011. Methane emissions from extinct megafauna: a reply to Brook and Severinghaus. Nature Geosciences 4(5):1-2. PDF

Payne, J.L., A.G. Boyer, J.H. Brown, S. Finnegan, M. Kowalewski, R.A. Krause, Jr., S.K. Lyons, C.R. McClain, D.W. McShea, P.M. Novack-Gottshall, F.A. Smith, P. Spaeth, J.A. Stempien, and S.C. Wang. 2011. The evolutionary consequences of oxygenic photosynthesis: a body size perspective. Photosynthesis Research 107(1):37-57. (DOI: 10.1007/s11120-010-9593-1). PDF

Smith, F.A. 2011. Here be biogeographers. Bioscience 61(1):76-77. PDF

†Kowalewski, M., J.L. Payne, F.A. Smith, S.C. Wang, D.W. McShea, S. Xiao, P.M. Novack-Gottshall, C.R. McClain, R.A. Krause, Jr., A.G. Boyer, S. Finnegan, S.K. Lyons, J.A. Stempien, J. Alroy, and P.A. Spaeth. 2011. The Geozoic supereon. Palaios 26(5):251-255. PDF

Smith, F.A. and S.K. Lyons. 2011. How big should a mammal be? A macroecological look at mammalian body size over space and time. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 366:2364-2378. PDF

Crawford D.L., J.W. Dragoo, F.A. Smith, and A.N. Chavez. Diversification within the Mexican vole (Microtus mexicanus) and the role of post-Pleistocene climate change. 2011. Western Great Basin Naturalist 71(2):176-194. PDF


†Smith, F.A., A.G. Boyer, J.H. Brown, D.P. Costa, T. Dyan, S.K.M. Ernest, A.R. Evans, M. Fortelius, J.L. Gittleman, M.J. Hamilton, L.E. Harding, K. Lintulaakso, S.K. Lyons, C. McCain, J.K. Okie, J.J. Saarinen, R.M. Sibly, P.R. Stephens, J. Theodor, and M. Uhen. 2010. The evolution of maximum body size of terrestrial mammals. Science 330(6008):1216-1219 + online supplement. PDF

†Smith, F.A., S.M. Elliott, and S.K. Lyons. 2010. Methane emissions from extinct megafauna. Nature Geosciences 3(6):374-375 + online supplement. (Advance online publication; DOI:10.1038/ngeo877; 23 May 2010). PDF

Smith, F.A., M.J. Hamilton, and J.H. Brown. 2010. On the size selectivity of late Pleistocene extinctions: a mini forum based on Polishchuk. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12(3):403-412. PDF

Lyons, S.K. and F.A. Smith. 2010. Using a macroecological approach to study the fossil record. Quantitative methods for studying paleobiology (J. Alroy and G. Hunt, eds.) Paleonotologoical Society Papers 16:117-141. PDF

Smith, F.A. 2010. Holocene extinctions. Quarterly Review of Biology 85:500-501.


Smith, F.A., D.L. Crawford, L.E. Harding, H.M. Lease, I.W. Murray, A. Raniszewski, and K.M. Youberg. 2009. A tale of two species: extirpation and range expansion during the late Quaternary in an extreme environment. Global and Planetary Change 65(3):122-133. PDF

†Payne, J.L, A.G. Boyer, J.H. Brown, S. Finnegan, M. Kowalewski, R.A. Krause, Jr., S.K. Lyons, C.R. McClain, D.W. McShea, P.M. Novack-Gottshall, F.A. Smith, J.A. Stempien, and S.C. Wang. 2009. Two-phase increase in the maximum size of life over 3.5 billion years reflects biological innovation and environmental opportunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 106(1):24-27. PDF

Harding, L. and F.A. Smith. 2009. Mustela or Neovison? Resolution of the taxonomic status of the American Mink and the biogeography of the American Mustela. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 52(3):632-642. PDF


Smith, F.A. 2008. Body size, energetics and evolution. Pages 477-482 in Encyclopedia of Ecology (Sven Erik Jørgensen and Brian D. Fath, Editors-in-Chief), Volume 1, Elsevier, Oxford. PDF

MacDonald, G.M., K.D. Bennett, S.T. Jackson, L. Parducci, F.A. Smith, J.P. Smol, and K.J. Willis. 2008. Frontiers in Quaternary paleobiogeographic research. Progress in Physical Geography 32(2):139-172. PDF

Smith, F.A., S.K. Lyons, S.K.M. Ernest, and J.H. Brown. 2008. Macroecology: more than the division of food and space among species on continents. Progress in Physical Geography 32(2):115-138. PDF


Millien, V., S.K. Lyons, L. Olson, F.A. Smith, T. Wilson, and Y. Yom-Tov. 2006. Ecotypic variation in the context of global climate change: revisiting the rules. Ecology Letters 9(7):853-869; DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2006.00928.x PDF

Smith, F.A. and J.L. Betancourt. 2006. Predicting woodrat (Neotoma) responses to anthropogenic warming from studies of the palaeomidden record. Journal of Biogeography 33(12):2061-2076. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2006.01631.x) PDF

†Donlan, C.J., J. Berger, C.E. Bock, J.H. Bock, D.A. Burney, J.A. Estes, D. Foreman, P.S. Martin, G.W. Roemer, F.A. Smith, M.E. Soulé, and H.W. Greene. 2006. Pleistocene Rewilding: an optimistic agenda for twenty-first century conservation. American Naturalist 168(5):660-681. PDF

Smith, F.A. 2006. On the lack of women in academic science. Science 314(5799):592. (Letter to the editor). PDF


†Donlan, C.J., J. Berger, C.E. Bock, J.H. Bock, D.A. Burney, J.A. Estes, D. Foreman, P.S. Martin, G.W. Roemer, F.A. Smith, M.E. Soulé, and H.W. Greene. 2005. Rewilding North America. Nature 436(7053):913-914.


Lyons, S.K., F.A. Smith, and J.H. Brown. 2004. Of mice, mastodon and men: human caused extinctions on four continents. Evolutionary Ecology Research 6(3):339-358. PDF

Smith, F.A., J.H. Brown, J.P. Haskell, J. Alroy, E.L. Charnov, T. Dayan, B.J. Enquist, S.K.M. Ernest, E.A. Hadly, D. Jablonski, K.E. Jones, D.M. Kaufman, S.K. Lyons, P. Marquet, B.A. Maurer, K. Niklas, W. Porter, K. Roy, B. Tiffney, and M.R. Willig. 2004. Similarity of mammalian body size across the taxonomic hierarchy and across space and time. American Naturalist 163(5):672-691. PDF

Maurer, B.A., J. Alroy, J.H. Brown, T. Dayan, B.J. Enquist, S.K.M. Ernest, E. Hadly, J.P. Haskell, D. Jablonski, K.E. Jones, D.M. Kaufman, S.K. Lyons, K. Niklas, W. Porter, K. Roy, F.A. Smith, B. Tiffney, and M.R. Willig. 2004. Convergence in body size distributions of small-bodied flying vertebrates. Evolutionary Ecology Research 6(6):783-797. PDF

Lyons, S.K., F.A. Smith, E.P. White, and J.H. Brown. 2004. Was a “hyperdisease” responsible for the late Pleistocene megafaunal extinction? Ecology Letters 7(9):859-868. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1461- 0248.2004.00643.x). PDF


Smith, F.A. and J.L. Betancourt. 2003. The effect of late Holocene temperature fluctuations on the evolution and ecology of woodrats (Neotoma) in Idaho and northwestern Utah. Quaternary Research 59(2):160-171. PDF

Elliott, S., D.R. Blake, N.J. Blake, M.K. Dubey, F.S. Rowland, B.C. Sive, and F.A. Smith. 2003. BIBLE A whole-air sampling as a window on Asian biogeochemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 108:8407-8421. (DOI: 10.1029/2001JD000790). PDF

Choi, Y., S. Elliott, I.J. Simpson, D.R. Blake, J.J. Colman, M.K. Dubey, S. Meinardi, F.S. Rowland, T. Shirai, and F.A. Smith. 2003. Survey of whole air data from the second airborne biomass burning and lightning experiment using principal component analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres 108:4163-4183. (DOI 10.1029/2002JD00284; Editor’s choice: atmospheric and space) PDF

Smith, F.A., S.K. Lyons, S.K.M. Ernest, K.E. Jones, D.M. Kaufman, T. Dayan, P.A. Marquet, J.H. Brown, and J.P. Haskell. 2003. Body mass of late Quaternary mammals. Ecology 84(12):3402-3403. PDF

Ernest, S.K.M., B.J. Enquist, J.H. Brown, E.L. Charnov, J.F. Gilloy, V. Savage, E.P. White, F.A. Smith, E.A. Hadly, J.P. Haskell, S.K. Lyons, B.A. Maurer, K. Niklas, and B. Tiffney. 2003. Thermodynamic and metabolic effects on the scaling of production and abundance. Ecology Letters 6(11):990-995. (DOI: 10.1046/j.1461-0248.2003.00526.x). PDF


Smith, F.A., S. Elliott, D.R. Blake, and S.F. Rowland. 2002. Spatial and temporal variation in methane concentrations in the Valley of Mexico. Environmental Science and Policy 5(6):449-461. PDF

Decker, E.H., S. Elliott, and F.A. Smith. 2002. Megacities and the environment. The Scientific World Journal 2:374-386.

Smith, F.A. 2002. On her own terms: Annie Montague Alexander and the rise of science in the American West. Journal of Mammalogy 83:626-628. PDF

Damuth, J. D., M. Fortelius, P. Andrews, C. Badgley, E.A. Hadly, S. Hixon, C. Janis, R.H. Madden, K. Reed, F.A. Smith, J. Theodor, J.A. Van Dam, B. Van Valkenburgh, and L. Werdelin. 2002. Reconstructing mean annual precipitation, based on mammalian dental morphology and local species richness. In EEDEN Plenary Workshop on Late Miocene to Early Pliocene Environments and Ecosystems (pp. 23-24). EEDEN Programme, European Science Foundation Sabadell (Spain).


Smith, F.A. and E.L. Charnov. 2001. Fitness tradeoffs select for semelparous reproduction in an extreme environment. Evolutionary Ecology Research 3:595-602. PDF


Elliott, S., D.R. Blake, J.E. Bossert, J.C. Chow, J.L.A. Colina, J.C. Doran, M. Dubey, R.A. Duce, S. Edgerton, J.D. Fast, J.S. Gaffrey, M. Gupta, F. Guzman, P.A. Matson, M.J. Prather, W. Riley, F.S. Rowland, M.E. Ruiz, A.G. Russell, F.A. Smith, G.E. Streit, and J.G. Watson. 2000. Mexico City and the biogeochemistry of global urbanization. Environmental Science and Policy 3(2):145-156. PDF

Decker, E.H., S. Elliott, F.A. Smith, D.R. Blake, and F.S. Rowland. 2000. Energy and material flow through the urban ecosystem. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 25:685-740. PDF

Smith, F.A., M. Matocq, K. Melendez, A.M. Ditto, and P.A. Kelly. 2000. How isolated are Pleistocene refugia? Results from a study on a relict woodrat population from the Mojave Desert. Journal of Biogeography 27(12):483-500. (DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2699.2000.00387.x). PDF

Elliott, S., E.H. Decker, F.A. Smith, D.R. Blake, I.J. Simpson, and F.S. Rowland. 2000. Cities in the earth system. Environmental Science and Policy 3(2):157-160. PDF

Elliott, S., D.R. Blake, J.C. Coman, M.K. Dubey, F.S. Rowland, T. Shirai, and F.A. Smith. 2000. Multivariate analysis of whole air hydrocarbon data: a principal components factor reduction applied to BIBLE B aircraft samples. Los Alamos National Laboratory Technical Report in the LAUR series.


Smith, F.A. and J.L. Betancourt. 1998. Response of bushy-tailed woodrats (Neotoma cinerea) to late Quaternary climatic change in the Colorado Plateau. Quaternary Research 50(1):1-11. PDF

Smith, F.A., J.H. Brown, and T.J. Valone. 1998. Path modeling methods and ecological interactions: a response to Grace and Pugesek. American Naturalist 152(1):160-161. PDF

Smith, F.A., H. Browning, and U.L. Shepherd. 1998. The influence of climatic change on the body mass of woodrats (Neotoma albigula) in an arid region of New Mexico, USA. Ecography 21(2):140- 148. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.1998.tb00668.x). PDF


Smith, F.A., J.H. Brown, and T.J. Valone. 1997. Path analysis: a critical evaluation using long-term experimental data. American Naturalist 149:29-42. PDF

Smith, F.A. 1997. Neotoma cinerea. Mammalian Species 564:1-8. (DOI: PDF


Smith, F.A. 1996. Den characteristics and survivorship of woodrats (Neotoma lepida) in the eastern Mojave Desert. Southwestern Naturalist 41:366-372. PDF

Smith, F.A. and J.H. Brown. 1996. The changing role of women in North American mammalogy. Journal of Mammalogy 77(3):609-613. PDF

Smith, F.A. and D.M. Kaufman. 1996. Contributions of female mammalogists from 1919-1994: a quantitative analysis based on a survey of the Journal of Mammalogy. Journal of Mammalogy 77(3):614-629. PDF


†Smith, F.A., J.L. Betancourt, and J.H. Brown. 1995. Evolution of body size in the woodrat over the past 25,000 years of climate change. Science 270:2012-2014. PDF

Smith, F.A. 1995. Scaling of digestive efficiency with body size in Neotoma. Functional Ecology 9:299- 305. PDF


Smith, F.A., B.T. Bestelmeyer, and M. Strong. 1993. Anthropogenic extinction of an endemic woodrat from Isla Coronado, Baja California, Mexico. Biodiversity Letters 1:149-155. PDF


Smith, F.A. 1992. Evolution of body size among woodrats from Baja California, Mexico. Functional Ecology 6:265-273. PDF

Justice, K.E. and F.A. Smith. 1992. A model of dietary fiber utilization by small mammalian herbivores with empirical results for Neotoma. American Naturalist 139:398-416. PDF

Monroe, J., W.D. Wagner, J. Carr, and F.A. Smith. 1992. Multi-species habitat conservation plan for Southwestern Riverside County, California. Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, 275 pages. (Received a Presidential Award for Excellence.)


Smith, F.A. December 1991. Nutritional ecology and body size in Neotoma populations. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Irvine.