Postdoctoral Associates:
S. Kathleen Lyons (2001-2003), Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of
Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Christy McCain (2007), Associate Professor and Curator of Vertebrates, University of Colorado
Natural History Museum and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University
of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
Larisa Harding (2008-2010), Terrestrial Research Program Manager, Arizona Game and Fish
Department, Phoenix, AZ
Marcus Hamilton (2009–2011), Associate Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio, San
Antonio, TX.
John Hammond (2011-2016), Assistant Professor, Marian University, WI
Amelia Villaseñor (2017–2018), Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas
Graduate Students:
Amy M. Ditto (Ph.D. 2006) Ecogeographic predictors of genotypic and phenotypic variation in
isolated montane mammals.Owner and Artist, Ghostwolf Gallery and Aperture Photography,
Albuquerque, NM
Larisa E. Harding (Ph.D. 2008) Out of the Americas: a biogeographical history of the American
Mustela. Terrestrial Research Program Manager, Arizona Game and Fish, Phoenix, AZ
Dolly Crawford (Ph.D. 2009) The role of spatial and genetic modeling in biogeography. Associate
Professor, Asland University, Ashland, OH
Ian W. Murray (Ph.D. 2012) Linking environment to ecology in arid land consumers: two case
studies. Pima County Conservation Biologist, Tucson, AZ
Clare Steinberg (M.S. 2014) Establishment of Larrea tridentata at the northern edge of the modern
Mojave Desert: Insights from Neotoma paleomiddens. Reptile Keeper, Arizona-Sonora Desert
Museum, Tucson, AZ
Shawn (Fred) Whiteman Jennings (M.S. 2015) Into the tropics: a quantitative study of mammals
in the Great American biotic interchange. Instructor, Central New Mexico Community
College, Albuquerque, NM
John M. Grady (Ph.D. 2016) Energetics across ecological scales. Postdoctoral Research Associate,
National Great Rivers Research & Education Center, East Alton, IL
Melissa I. Pardi (Ph.D. 2016) A multidimensional investigation of the niche: late Quaternary canids
and humans in North America. Curator, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL
Meghan A. Balk (Ph.D. 2017) Where the wild things are: investigating body size as a mechanism
for persistence. Postdoctoral Research Associate, FuTRES, Bio5Institure, University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Marie Westover (M.S. Plan B 2015; Ph.D. 2019) Biogeographical implications of climate change for
a small alpine mammal, the American Pika. Instructor, Sacramento City College
Catalina Tomé (M.S. Plan B 2015; Ph.D. 2019) Ecological and morphological response of rodents to
environmental change over the Late Quaternary. Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE
Nick Freymueller (M.S. 2020) Niche Dynamics of the Felid Guild Following the Pleistocene
Megafaunal Extinction. Joint Ph.D. program at University of Copenhagen / University of
Jonathan Keller (M.S. Plan B 2020) Ph.D. student at UNM
Carson Hedberg (M.S. Plan B 2021) Ph.D. student at UNM
Zoë Rossman (M.S. Plan B 2022) Ph.D. student at UNM
Kat Schroeder (M.S. Plan B 2017; Ph.D. 2022) Ontogenetic niche shift as a driver of community structure and diversity in non- avian dinosaurs. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Yale University.